9 research outputs found

    The Effect of Teaching Style and Interest on Passing Learning Outcomes in Football Games

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    This research aimed to obtain empirical facts about the differences in learning outcomes of passing in football games between students who were taught using reciprocal and inclusive teaching styles. The research design was an experimental level 2 x 2 ANOVA factorial design. The sampling technique in this research used cluster sampling so that each group consisted of 10 students. The research results were (1) based on the analysis results of the variance in the appendix, at the level α = 0.05, Fh > Ft is 50.20 > 4.03. Thus, it could be concluded that there were differences in the learning outcomes of passing in football games between the inclusive and the reciprocal teaching styles; (2) the analyses results of the variance in the appendix, at level α = 0.05, Fh > Ft is 15.40 > 4.02; hence, it could be concluded that there was an interaction between teaching style and learning interest in the learning outcomes of passing in football games; (3) then proceed with the Tukey test in A2B2 and A1B2 groups, where Qh = 75 and Qt = 2.81; thus, it could be concluded that the reciprocal teaching style was better than the inclusive teaching style on passing learning outcomes in football material at a group of students with low interest in learning; (4) furthermore, proceed with the Tukey test in A1B1 and A2B1 groups, where Qh = 22.13 and Qt = 2.81; hence, it could be concluded that the inclusive teaching style was better than the reciprocal style on passing learning outcomes in football material at a group of students with high learning interest.

    Development of Application Based Football Learning

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    The method used in this research is to use R & D research methods used to develop products in the form of applicationbased soccer learning devices. The subjects in this study involved students from the sports science faculty (FIK) with a small scale trial involving 20 students of sports coaching education (PKO) and a large scale trial involving 40 creative and recreational physical education students (PJKR). The results of the assessments of 3 experts showed the results of 93% assessments of learning experts, 93% of media experts' assessments and 90% of soccer lecturers. The results of the small group trial showed a percentage of 88%, the large group trial showed a percentage of 90%. The conclusion in this study is that the development of application-based soccer learning is feasible to be used as a support in soccer learning

    Development of Shoulder and Wrist Test Instruments Based on Digital

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    A test tool and measurement of shoulder flexibility and developed to be a sports lecturer's guide in teaching courses test and measurement. This research was developed by adapting the Borg & Gall educational research and development model. The development procedure used includes several stages: 1) recognizing the content of the product being developed, 2) developing the initial game product, 3) expert validation, 4) testing field The data analysis technique used in this research is done in two ways, namely quantitative and qualitative. The subjects of this study were students of the sport science faculty in the test and measurement subject. The resulting product has been evaluated by experts, tested and revised and validated by media, material and practitioner experts through a questionnaire consisting of various questions. effectiveness of the product development of digital-based shoulder & wrist test kits has the results of 85% material experts, 96% media experts and 85% by practitioners. The results of field trials show a value of 90% with a very feasible category so that it can be used for use. Thus, it can be stated that the development of digital-based shoulder & wrist test kits is effectively used as the basis for developing science and technology in the field of sports


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    Kehadiran buku Loncatan Perkembangan Ilmu Keolahragaan dan Pendidikan Jasmani merupakan pengembangan ilmu keolahragaan dan pendidikan jasmani bagi semua kalangan. Buku ini memuat banyak narasi yang ringan dan mudah dipahami dalam membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan dan kesulitan untuk mengajarkan ilmu kepada peserta didik di dalam dunia pendidikan. Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa olahraga dapat membuat badan sehat dan tubuh menjadi segar. Olahraga telah memberikan banyak manfaat kepada manusia, sehingga mempelajari bidang tersebut sangat bagus untuk mereka yang menjadi pendidik di sekolah. Pendidik yang bertugas mengajar bidang olahraga akan mengamalkan ilmu keolahragaan dengan penuh tanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan kebugaran jasmani bagi para peserta didik di lingkungan sekolahnya masing-masing. Penguatan ilmu keolahragaan juga ditunjang dari berbagai teori di dalam buku yang telah dikembangkan oleh para ahli, namun masih sedikit yang mampu mengembangkan berbagai teori yang ada ke dalam sebuah media digital bermuatan modern

    Peramal kejayaan kerjaya subjektif dalam kalangan guru pendidikan Islam di sekolah rendah, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia

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    Kajian ini untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang menyokong kejayaan kerjaya subjektif guru pendidikan Islam di daerah Kuala Selangor. Berdasarkan Model Lanjutan Teori Sosial Kognitif Kerjaya dan tinjauan kajian-kajian lepas, kajian ini meramalkan bahawa faktor individu (ciri-ciri personaliti) serta faktor efikasi kendiri (perancangan kerjaya) dan faktor tingkahlaku proaktif (strategi kerjaya) menyokong kejayaan kerjaya subjektif guru pendidikan Islam. Kajian deskriptif-korelasi ini melibatkan 163 guru pendidikan Islam yang telah berkhidmat 6 tahun dan ke atas. Data dikumpul dengan menggunakan kaedah tinggal dan kutip oleh penyelidik. Analisis deskriptif mendapati tahap pembolehubah kejayaan kerjaya subjektif guru pendidikan Islam adalah sederhana. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tahap pembolehubah perancangan kerjaya, ciri teliti dan ciri kerjasama guru pendidikan Islam adalah tinggi. Tahap ciri komited, ciri penyesuaian dan gangguan emosi adalah sederhana. Analisis korelasi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pembolehubah perancangan kerjaya, strategi kerjaya, ciri komited, ciri kesungguhan, ciri penyesuaian dan ciri kerjasama dengan kejayaan kerjaya subjektif guru pendidikan Islam. Analisis regresi pelbagai menunjukkan kejayaan kerjaya subjektif guru pendidikan Islam dipengaruhi oleh pembolehubah perancangan kerjaya, ciri komited dan ciri kesungguhan. Maka, kajian ini membuktikan perancangan kerjaya, ketrampilan dan ketelitian adalah faktor peramal kepada kejayaan kerjaya subjektif terhadap guru pendidikan Islam. Dapatan kajian ini membuktikan faktor peramal kejayaan kerjaya subjektif telah mempengaruhi peningkatan komitmen, daya saing perkhidmatan dan prospek masa depan kerjaya guru pendidikan Islam. Kajian ini telah menjelaskan rangka kerja untuk memahami senario kejayaan kerjaya subjektif guru-guru pendidikan Islam. Hasil kajian telah memberi sumbangan teori dan praktis dalam pembangunan sumber manusia di peringkat sekolah rendah. Ia juga membantu penyelidik dan pengamal pembangunan sumber manusia di peringkat Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dalam memahami isu-isu perancangan dan strategi pembangunan kerjaya terhadap pembangunan perkembangan dan masa depan kerjaya guru pendidikan Islam

    Factors Contributing to the Subjective Career Success among Islamic Educators in Primary Schools

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    A very limited research has been done in the field of career development among Islamic education teachers. Most of the previous researches showed an improvement in terms of grades, positions, and responsibilities of their previous routines as an indicator of their career advancement. However, this conceptual (concept paper) discusses how personality factors, career planning, and career strategy can provide significant contribution to the success of Islamic education teachers’ career. Based on the Five Factor Model, Gould Planning Model, and the support of previous researches, this paper discusses how these three factors can contribute to the success of Islamic education teachers’ career. This paper also discusses its impact towards Islamic education teachers in Malaysia, schools management, District Education Office, Ministry of Education, and teachers education institutions.

    Factors Contributing to the Subjective Career Success among Islamic Educators in Primary Schools

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    A very limited research has been done in the field of career development among Islamic education teachers. Most of the previous researches showed an improvement in terms of grades, positions, and responsibilities of their previous routines as an indicator of their career advancement. However, this conceptual (concept paper) discusses how personality factors, career planning, and career strategy can provide significant contribution to the success of Islamic education teachers’ career. Based on the Five Factor Model, Gould Planning Model, and the support of previous researches, this paper discusses how these three factors can contribute to the success of Islamic education teachers’ career. This paper also discusses its impact towards Islamic education teachers in Malaysia, schools management, District Education Office, Ministry of Education, and teachers education institutions

    The validity of football skills test for 12-year-old male players

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    This study aims to determine the validity of the Football Skills Test conducted on 12-year-old male players through three test: Agility, 50-m running with a ball and Zigzag with a ball. The test was conducted on two football teams, the elite players group and the non-elite players group. The elite group consists of Akademi Tunas Johor (ATJ) players, while the non-elite players are from Perdana United Fc. A total of 20 players were selected as the study sample, with 10 players from each group. The Independent Sample t-Test was used to determine any significant difference between the test scores of players in the elite and the non-elite group. The analysis results show a difference between the Agility Test scores of players in the elite group (14.882 ± 0.863) and the non-elite group (16.105 ± 1.608). The analysis also showed a difference between the players’ scores in the 50-m running with a ball test, with the elite group (12.664 ± 0.448) and the non-elite group (13.103 ± 1.208). Furthermore, there is a difference in the elite and non-elite group scores in the zigzag with a ball test, with elite players (17.878 ± 2.120) and non-elite players (20.263 ± 4.028). In this regard, the study’s findings show a significant difference between the score of players in the elite group and the non-elite group in the Agility Test conducted. The study’s findings confirm that the Agility Test is suitable for measuring the skills of 12-year-old football players